Let the Circle Be Unbroken

by Jeanette Jarmon
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
12.000 x 12.000 x 0.050 inches
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Let the Circle Be Unbroken
Jeanette Jarmon
Painting - Oil On Canvas
God, represented in the center Cosmos, too big for us to understand, crosses the gold ring, representing the world's highest commodity, sheds the Light of the Cross to Jesus. All colors of people are represented by the colors of the color wheel. And standing like trees planted by the River of Life, in the peoples' branches are three red lines, representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The LIght from God and one of the strands of red represents the Blood of Life and goes to Jesus who shares the Light and Life with all. The little sailboat in the top right quadrant represents us on our Journey through Life. Choose Life.
August 14th, 2010